Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Rooster Head

Hey kids, I'm a rooster. Cock-a-fuckn'-doodle-doo. Profanity is going to make a comeback on this blog, I think. Wow, up before the alarm clock today. Executive decision #3987 was made at that time to go back to bed. A full night's sleep was required after an "ass-dragging" Monday. I had to push myself to go to dinner last night with some family members. I was so wiped out from Sunday's double whammy of racing and country music outlaw. It was all I could do to stay awake on Monday and tolerate people in general. Now, all is back to normal for the most part. The sunburn is fading; my legs no longer feel as if they're going to split open when I stand up. I might even attempt to bathe today.
Yes, I had a dream. I'll be damned if I can remember it though. Somewhere, between 6 and 7 a.m., I forgot what the hell it was about. At this point I'm just glad I was able to get in a solid night's sleep.
Sam, I like the idea, but this just made me want to vomit the more I thought about it: http://www.blackwidowbakery.com/demo/meatcake/index.html


Anonymous said...

ok. that meatcake makes my tummy gurgle worse than the notion of squirting seafood snausage juice.

Bed Head Boy? said...

On paper it's a grand idea, but in reality....I just want to wawlk...awaaaay.