Thursday, February 1, 2007

Let the Battle Begin

John Cleese and Dan Akroyd?! That was a weird one. The last dream I recall was some sort of comedy sketch. Dan Akroyd was the host on the game show and John's character was one of the "contestants." Dan asked the players, "Who auditioned for Hunt for Red October?" John's character raised his hand and said "Aye." Dan walked over to him and whispered in his ear. John responded to this with a hearty laugh and another "Aye." Hmm, what was that all about?
Well, yesterday was a rough one. I woke up with a sore throat and a little snotty. I didn't have the strength to deal with this thing. Mostly, because I was pissed off at the thought that I might be getting sick. Things have been going very well for me the past few weeks; I'll be very upset if I do end up getting sick. This morning wasn't as bad as yesterday, not much of a sore throat, but my body is a little achy. I'm going to continue to drink vats of water and consume vitamins. When I get home today I will take a long nap and let my immune system do its thing.
If I don't get sick, I've got a fun weekend planned out for myself. There's a date Friday night and then a Groundhog Day party on Saturday. I'd hate to miss either of those. Also, there's a great show next Tuesday; Scott H. Biram. Uh, that's all I've got for now. I think a long, hot shower is in order now. Have a good day, bundle up for the cold and don't forget to smile, laugh and play. Even in my weakened condition, I'll be doing the same.

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