Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Non-Titled Post

Tuesday, hmm; there shall not be a photo today. I left my camera in the car yesterday. If you guys think I'm going to drag my happy ass out there to get it then you're fucked in the head.
I actually remember more than one dream from last night, I suppose that's good.
The first dream involved making out with a housewife. Very nice I must say. After our brief session of sucking face she proceeded to make a cake a cook dinner. This was all fine and dandy till her husband came home. End of dream.
The second was just a dream about pizza and being at a pizza joint; just a glimpse rather than a dream.
The third dream involved a couple of friends and myself on a quest for Toys 'R Us. We were driving around some poorly laid out strip mall area, fussing at each other the whole time. At one point we came across some sort of outdoor aerobics class being held in a parking lot. We slow rolled it so we could get a good look at all the women. Then, on our second pass, I stopped the car and asked the very manly female instructor where the toy store was. Thanks to her help we were now off in the right direction. I'm not sure if we made it to the toy store; I hope we did.
Not bad, I'm sure I've left out some details. It's so hard to remember everything. You guys have a great day! Everybody wang-chung tonight!

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