Saturday, May 12, 2007

Don't Be Hatin' n' Shit

I know, I know....I haven't been "Sir Posts-A-Lot" as of late. This past week there was really just no need or desire to post anything. If this blog ever feels like a chore or something I don't want to do, guess what, it ain't gonna fucking happen. That said, I'm writing an entry. Yay! Lots has been going on in my lil' world as of late. The most important thing and the most exciting is my burgeoning relationship with Ms. T* (as usual names are protected). She's a special person in so many ways. As she so eloquently put it a few weeks ago, we just "get it." We go together like peas and carrots, that's what I say anyway. I'm not going to bore you with details and mushy sappy stuff. Just know that we're disgustingly happy together. On the overall front of Life, I've been crazy/happy. It's been, what, a little over five months now, that I made the decision to be happy. Let me tell you, if your not happy, you need to get on board folks. It didn't take much, just a simple decision to "be" happy. Apparently at this point I'm radiating good vibes out in all directions. Totally random people will start conversations with me that, before, would probably never have happened. It's not a perfect thing, I still get sad from time to time. There are points that I want to just hide under the covers and stay there. Those times are few and far between these days though. I guess what it all comes down to is that if you put out good stuff, you're probably going to get good stuff back; if you look for good stuff, you're going to find good stuff. I don't know why anyone would go a'lookin for bad stuff; but that's how some of us operate. What's that? Oh, dreams you say? Well, yes I still dream and no, I really don't remember much about them still. I'm not worried about this though. Dreams have always been a fun diversion for me. I would love to remember them and tell you all about them. It'll come back eventually and this is where I'll write about it. I think I'm done for now. I think I'll just sit here and sip coffee for a bit. I'm listening to a new cd I found the other day and purchased in a moment of weakness. It's Ryan Adams & The Cardinals, Cold Roses. Good schtuff people. At the moment Magnolia Mountain is my favorite song on the album and there are a lot of good songs on this album. Current points of interest:
  • Son Volt still kicks ass! One of the best shows I've been to in a long time.
  • Shooting Star Cab Franc, deelishussss.
  • Brunch, that's where it's at. A good bloody mary is a key ingredient.
  • Avoid people whom one could use the word 'cunt' to describe.

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