Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Prodigal Blogger

I have returned! It's been over a week, I know, I know; shame on me. Quit your whining and let me tell you about a dream....yes a dream. I can't fucking believe it. I remembered a dream; probably due to the fact that I slept in today. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but here goes.
I drove into what looked like an alley, it was covered in gravel and was apparently a parking area for a restaurant. I was driving a green BMW that had little wisps of smoke coming from beneath the hood. I found a place to park and made my way into the restaurant. Strange little place, it seemed like an old house that had been converted into a business. People were milling about trying to get ready for the big opening night. So, I suppose this is a new restaurant.
I vaguely recall speaking with the owner/chef guy. He was happy to see me and sat me at what he considered to be a good table. I sat at said table and watched the staff get ready. Soon enough patrons started to fill up the other tables. This is where things start to get a little fuzzy. I know that at some point I had to leave to go do something. What that was I've no idea. I remember coming back to the restaurant and running into my folks at the front desk. They were rambling on about how I should not order a certain salad because it is awful. Then we saw some girl that we knew and her date. My mom said, "Oh hey, there's so-and-so. Who's that guy with her? He must be a Dick Pad." What a dick pad is I have no idea; I think it's some kind of insult. I looked at my mom in horror. She would never say such a thing in public. She didn't seem to care that she said it until I pointed at the table she was standing next to. There were about eight kids sitting at it. Yea, mom, not so cool. That's all I remember. Meh, not bad I guess. I'm just glad I remembered something for a change.
On a darker front. I'm out of sugar for my coffee. Not good, not good at all. I'm drinking unsweetened ice tea at the moment. My stomach is not happy about this as it was expecting the warm brown liquid that it's used to.

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