Saturday, April 7, 2007

Lazy Saturday, Booyah

What a great day, it's sunny and there's ice in the wind. I love that feeling; one minute warm and fuzzy and then a cold blast of wind. Like god had just eaten a breath mint and decided you needed to know about it. I managed to get showered up and decided to let the car style my hair. I put the windows down and turned up the cd player. Driving around town is becoming a fun past time for me these days. I drove around for a bit, trying to decide where to eat lunch. The plan was to read and eat.
I started another book a couple of days ago and I'm madly in love with it. Well, as one can only love reading a book, that kind of love. It's A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews. I suppose it's the way she writes as well as the content itself. It's not often I laugh out loud while reading a book. I'm only sixty pages into it and I've probably laughed out loud a half dozen times.
"I could smell the wind coming through the open window behind her and it was like a present or a compliment or something. The sweetest winds blow over us Mennos sometimes, when the poultry massacre stops long enough for us to smell them, and they can literally stop you dead in your tracks and break your heart. It's the certain smell of that wind and the sudden whoosh of heat that just undoes me. It's a June wind, mostly. An embrace. (Did I just say embrace? Asshole.) I could smell it now. "
Yea, so that's just an example, one of the passages I marked. I ended up at Cosmo's, a local pizza place. An excellent choice I must say. They still had breakfast on the menu at 1pm. I had eggs, apple smoked bacon, hash brown casserole, smoked Gouda grits and a biscuit. Mmmmm, that hit the spot and is probably the cause of this "I want to take a nap" feeling I have.
After lunchfast, I took a little drive downtown. Listening to a new song that's going to be stuck in my head for a while. It's called 'P.E. Forever' by the Nowhere Squares. They have a myspace page if anyone wants to check them out. Funny, I saw them at the Bottletree a few weeks back and thought they were ridiculous. Then I heard that song yesterday on NPR, a show called Tapestry, where they interview local artists and whatnot. I was like, "wow, that sounds so much better than live and it's catchy!" Amazingly enough I was able to download it from Itunes. Not only is the song catchy, but there's some sort of social commentary lurking below the surface too.
Now, I'm going to take a nap.

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