Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Robbed! Again!

What is going on here? I am unable to get back to the routine. That routine of waking up on time. Vacation must have really been good if the side effects are going to be this disruptive. On top of that, I cannot for the life of me recall my dreams. Perhaps it's happening again; they say if you can't recall your dreams it's because you're in somebody else's dreams. Who's dreaming about me? Anyone?


Anonymous said...

All people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind,
Wake in the morning to find that it was vanity.

But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people,
For they dream their dreams with open eyes,
And make them come true.

- d.h. lawrence

Samantha said...

hah! it looks like you caught yourself mid-sentence.