Monday, March 26, 2007

I am not that tall

Wow! When I woke up I thought, "Crap! I don't remember any dreams!" Then, two minutes later it hit me; thank you snooze button. I was walking through a parking lot, trying to get somewhere, leaving I think. I know I wasn't head to a store or anything. I got to the sidewalk when I noticed a very tall person in my path. I decided to go around to the left when this huge person went left. I guess it would help to tell that he was just standing there with his back to me when this happened. Okay, so he went left when I did. Now I stopped and was going to head back to the right when he did the same. I got the impression, just from his body language that he was lost or confused or something. This is the point the word "oaf" rose to the front of my mind. So, in my frustration, I just took a wide route around him; there's no telling how long he was going to stand there and keep changing his mind. Now, I passed him and he started following me. This is not cool to have a "giant" following you. He caught up to me just as I was crossing a street. The hugest hand I've ever seen landed on my shoulder. I looked back and up, which is rare for me. He asked if I could help him. All I could say, "what are you? like 6'8, 6'9?" This guy was huge! I'm sure he was more like seven feet tall. Don't picture Andre the Giant either; this guy had more of a good ol' boy look to him. He replied, "Something like that." At this point I realised this must be how some people feel when they're talking to me. I noticed he was standing on something. I stooped over to pick it up. This took a moment, as my giant friend still had trouble moving in one direction for more than 2 seconds. Once I got his foot off of it, I found that it was a blank check. I scanned the check for a name or address. The only thing written in the top left corner was, "SPECIAL." Hmm, that's funny I thought. Thankfully the bank that the check was drawn on was just right there; perhaps somebody dropped it on there way to or from the bank. I folded the check in half and slid it through the little teller window slot. Ahh, that's a lot; no more typing for me now. Monday? Hee hee, only four more days till vacation!

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