Thursday, March 15, 2007

Rain! How Can This Be?!

I really don't have time for this, well I might, I just want to get out of here today and get going. Dreams; I had them and remembered them. The big cinematic type one started with myself in a boat. It was one of those long handmade boats like one might find in the South Pacific. I was at the head of a boat with a crew of about 20 men; ten down each side of the boat. We came across a huge group of "native people" who were not happy to see us. Some were in boats already and others were on what appeared to be barges. It didn't take long before the air was dark with arrows and spears. During our rapid get away it was realised that we had no oars and had to use our hands to paddle. We made amazing speed for hands only rowing. Men were dying off rapidly as we had no defense against the arrows. We made for "land" only to discover it was indeed not land. It was just those horrible little trees that grow in shallow water and their bizarre root system gives the deception of land. At this point I took to the water. Perhaps I thought I could swim away underwater while the poor bastards got slaughtered by the natives. The natives were soon forgotten and I found myself amongst a tour group being led through some flooded tunnel place. The tour guide was obviously some sort of con man. I managed to inform a couple of the other tour members as to what was going on and that we were going to have to escape at some point. The tour continued through the underground labyrinth and we eventually ended up back on the surface. Our "tour guide" got distracted playing with a baby and I rounded up the group for the escape. We stole a pick up truck and got the hell out of there. The end. I left out some of the minor details due to my desire to "get to work." The NCAA tournament starts today, so getting done early as possible is a priority today. Tra la la la la. Have a great day!

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