Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sleep, Beautiful Sleep

Perhaps at some point this morning I'll get my shit together. What a night of dreams! the first one was about a fun little trip to the ER. I don't know how i got there or why i was there at all. I was on a bed and there was lots of movement, people hurrying around. thankfully they weren't fussing over me. Whatever was wrong with me, it didn't seem to be an emergency. My nurse came over and it was my grandma! How comforting is that! She was a nurse all her life so i knew i was in good hands. However, when she cut my head open, i became a little concerned about what was going on; what was wrong. She had cut an incision from my temple which curved up to my forehead, maybe about 5 or 6 inches. that was it; she just cut my forehead open, apparently for no reason. I was at a loss and said nothing. Seems they didn't find what they were looking for in my head, so now she proceeded to slice my arm open. This is a good one; the outside of my arm, from my shoulder to my elbow. then i could feel her pulling the skin back to look at my arm. good thing i was on some sort of pain killer. It was a strange feeling to feel the tug as the skin was pulled back but feel no pain. Still, they had not found what was wrong or what they were "looking" for. Then it was decided that there was nothing wrong with me at all; it was my grandma that was "sick." She also had her arm sliced open and was lying in the bed next to mine. I looked at her for a while before I noticed that i was bleeding from a couple of rather large incisions that had been made to me. I asked her, "Dot? Am I going to need stitches?" I wanted to call her grandma, but she was at work and I'm a grown man anyway. She looked at me, studied me for a bit and said, "Yes."

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