Saturday, January 27, 2007


Weeee! Good morning world! Dreams, glorious dreams! Alas, boring dreams. Seriously, somebody in dream production needs to be fired! I don't need to be dreaming about work, I go there enough as it is. The only thing I found odd about the dream was that my boss was wearing a black suit. Either he was going to a funereal or out to some swanky club. Oh, and styrofoam, lots of styrofoam.
What's going on here today? Let's see, we've got coffee and cartoons at the moment. I'm just contemplating what all needs to get done today. I think I'll be productive today and destroy a massive list of chores; productive destruction.
As for that photo today; yea, yea, real artsy. Cool for now, but you can't really see the crazy hair. I'll not be doing that again for a while, just wanted to experiment a bit. I'm off folks; gotta get clean and get going. You guys and gals have fun today!

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