Sunday, January 28, 2007

School Supplies

Very nice, very nice Sunday to you world. Meh. Let's get down to the gritty and talk about some dreams! Yay! Seems I decided to go back to school. To my shock it was not college, nor was it high school. It was something like middle school or Jr. high! I was in a classroom, registering I suppose. There was a man at a desk, one of those little ones that are so fun to sit in, he gave me a book and told me to read it. I asked him if there would be a test afterwards and he said no, just read the book. As I walked to the next room I thought to myself, "I'm going to destroy these kids with my awesome brain skills!" I went to the next room and decided to sit in the back as I always do. There seemed to be some sort of lesson being taught which I ignored as I looked around the room sizing up my competition and looking for possible 'girl friends.' I quickly realized that the girls in the class were just a wee bit young for me. Then I became very self aware of my age. Oh, this is not good! I'm a thirty year old in 8th grade! Then, some sort of proctor came in, handing out a test. Turns out it was my old boss from the coffee shoppe. What a jackass! We had a brief tete a tete. Something about how my last name was really Smarinsky or something of that nature, then a joke about pornography. This is the point where I realised that I was living in a foster home. All the other 'kids' were also foster types. I became enraged at the fact that jackass was actually one of my foster parents. That's all I remember folks. Ah, so nice to be able to remember them once again!

1 comment:

Bed Head Boy? said...

Never! The bedhead is 100% unadulterated. It looks funnier in the pic than it actually was!