Monday, January 22, 2007

Shotgun Start

Tips to getting out of bed at 6 a.m. : ------------------------------------------------
  1. When the alarm goes off, look at it.
  2. Listen to the alarm for at least 3 seconds.
  3. Turn off the alarm.
  4. Mutter profanity.
  5. Get out of bed (this is the key step).


Wow! Nice bedhead today! My bangs look like a tidal wave. Weeeee. Hmmm, I slept pretty well; only woke up a few times during the night and I remember parts of the last dream I had.

Started off by arriving to a front yard, two cars here with guys getting out, dressed for golf. Hell yea! I suck at golf and I still love to play. Seems we were meeting up to play today. We started warming up in the front yard, hitting balls, practicing swings, etc. One of the guys fussed at me about being careful (can't remember why). Suddenly, I love how this happens in dreams, we were no longer in somebody's front yard, but at the golf course! Still hitting balls, practicing. Now, at this point is where I realize that I was starting to get pissed. The other guys were doing their thing, but every time I would get ready to swing, something would fuck it up. A branch would hit my club on the back swing or more often, people would get in my way. Where they were coming from I have no idea! These jackasses were just walking across the golf course, all la tee da; dressed like they were going to a water park, the lake or pic nic. BAM! Suddenly, I'm in my room and back to my childhood. I'm in bed and very aware that I'm going hunting today. I get out of bed so that I can go out on the roof to shoot some skeet with my shotgun. I noticed a fitted sheet in the window, I wondered why that was there. Then my step dad came in the room (the first one, not my current step dad). He was dressed in camo and booming about something. Still just as fat as he was in real life. He was drunk too. He asked me what I was doing, so I told him I was going to practice shooting before we went hunting. He seemed fine with this, though normally he would have been majorly pissed about me shooting firearms on the roof of the house. Then, he asked me where I got that sword. For some reason I panicked. I lied and said I got it at a comic book type store. All I can remember about the sword, is that it was on the wall, sticking out from behind a painting. Hmmm? He seemed satisfied with the story and left the room. I think this is the end of the dream.

Another dream about a father figure, with guns too?! My step dad would never be drunk that early in the morning, much less drunk at all. However, he was a major asshole. I don't want you guys to think my childhood was a nightmare or something.

Monday! Woohoo! If anybody does read this, have a great day!

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