Friday, February 23, 2007

Be Careful Where You Lay Down Boy. . . that bed of roses. Promises of petals there, you wake up on the other end.
Sleep, glorious sleep! It felt good to sleep in today; too good in fact. Now I've got to kick my own butt into gear. Sheesh, look at all that hair! Dreaming was good last night. My dreams were tainted by the book I'm reading about Patagonia, aka Tierra del Fuego. I had this one dream that the woman I'm dating was cheating on me with a native of Patagonia. Stupid book. I'm glad Friday has finally come again. It's sunny and warm, who could ask for more? I've just finished paying all the bills and there's still money left over to have fun; that's such a good feeling too. Ahhhh, yes; just have to get through work today and then the playing/frolicking can begin. Have a great Friday "y'all."

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