Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Fat Tuesday

That was a great "nap." I had a dream about being in southeast Asia. I came up on a beach, got out of my boat and proceeded inland. I quickly came to a rice patty, a surprisingly deep rice patty at that. I quickly got my ass out there and on to the foot path. I made my way over to what appeared to be a dock type area as I saw a woman sitting there by herself. Turns out she was from Oregon. She was very pleasant, slightly older than myself. We talked about the mountain in the distance. God, it was a beautiful mountain too. She told me that people like to climb it as there is an old castle near the top.
My other dream was not so pleasant. I was witness to what amounts to a hate crime. Some poor man was attacked with a fire extinguisher because he was gay. It wasn't fun to watch and I'll not describe it for you. I do recall that somebody in the crowd that had gathered mentioned that the victim was also a bishop. These are the dreams that make me say 'wtf!'
That was a great nap! Now I can go to work knowing that I've already celebrated Fat Tuesday.

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