Friday, February 2, 2007

Calgon, Get Me the Fuck Outta' Here

Ugh! Good morning world; greay world, cold world. Very fitting that I should have a cold and and the weather should suck. Perhaps, after my shower I'll have a better attitude. There will be no picture of myself today. Instead, I've selected a picture from my last trip to Cali. I just need to see some place that's warm and green. Sigh.
I had some interesting and fun dreams last night. The one i remember best was a birthday party for someone I know. I will not discuss this dream due to its graphic nature and the people involved. The innocent must be protected.
Well, it is Friday and that's something to be excited about; if you're not sick! Also, the rodent oracle has predicted an early spring. Thank you rodent oracle! I wish that I had more to say to entertain you guys. I'm tired and I feel as if somebody broke a chair over my back. I will do my best to not let this get me down today. Have a great day, TGIF!

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